Who am I? Well, that's a very simple question. I am a native to Sacramento, California, and I am a young Christian woman who is stepping out, pursuing what God would have for me. I grew up in a home where I was exposed to the Holy Bible and Christian teaching. I accepted Christ early in my life as a young child, but it was not until 1996 when I made a quality decision that I would be a committed Christian, pursuing the things of God in every area of my life. Please don't misunderstand me; that does not mean that I have been perfect, or have it all together. What is means is that when I fail, when I sin, I confess, repent, receive God's forgiveness and keep it moving! Over the years, I have served in various capacities within ministry, which include: Sunday school teacher, Bible study group leader, Deaconess, etc. In addition, I am a mother of a precious six year old boy. I am honored and thankful that God graced me with such a blessing - a true gift in my life.
Professionally speaking, I hold a Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Work and Master of Science degree in Instructional Leadership in Curriculum and Instruction. Currently, I serve as a Supervising Counselor at a non-profit corporation.